Minecraft Servers

FinalCraft Skylords
Checked24 minutes ago
CountryBrazil Brazil

FinalCraft Skylords

FinalCraft Skylords

FinalCraft Network ModPack

Entre no nosso Discord -> https://discord.gg/XaUvd7b

* Nome -> FinalCraft Skylords
* Criador -> EverNife
* Gnero -> Ilhas no Cu (SkyBlock)
* Verso Minecraft -> 1.7.10

Modpack de skyblock, ou seja, voc nasce em uma ilha no cu com apenas uma arvore e precisa progredir da maneira que achar possivel! O servidor possue quests que iro ajudar muito no comeo do jogo com diversos tipos de recompensas!
Os mods desse modpack so focados em Magia e Tecnologia! Um diferencial que para fazer as famosas sementes do Agricraft necessrio antes progredir no mod BloodMagic!

What is the server IP of FinalCraft Skylords?

The server IP of FinalCraft Skylords server is ipskylords.finalcraft.com.br:25575. You can find Discord information, copy the IP address, and other details in the server info section.

How do I play on the FinalCraft Skylords server?

Open your Launcher and click on the "Play" button. Next, select the Multiplayer option from the menu.

Click "Add Server", paste the ipskylords.finalcraft.com.br:25575 into the "Server Address" box. Hit "Done".

It takes about a second to establish a connection, but it should eventually turn green.

You can now click on the "Join Server" button to join FinalCraft Skylords.

What version of Minecraft does FinalCraft Skylords support?

FinalCraft Skylords supports Minecraft version 1.7.10 . Some servers allow you to connect and play on lower versions.

Where is FinalCraft Skylords server?

The FinalCraft Skylords server is currently located in Brazil, was checked 24 minutes ago and has a very strong connection.

Which Game Modes can I play at FinalCraft Skylords

You can play Economy, PvP, Skyblock, Survival, Tekkit, Modpack on FinalCraft Skylords server.